Radisson Blu Hotel & Conference Center Alna Oslo - Konferens, möten, event, kickoff | Konferensguiden.se

Radisson Blu Hotel & Conference Center Alna Oslo

Tevlingveien 21
N-1081 Oslo

At Radisson Blu Hotel Oslo, Alna you will comfortably stay in a perfect location along one of the main routes into town, only nine kilometers from the city center and a half-hour drive to the airport. The hotel offers elegant rooms and suites with modern design and comfortable beds. Take an effective workout in our well-equipped fitness room. Enjoy our hotel featuring a smart location with easy access to E6, Oslo city center, Oslo airport and hundreds of businesses in the Alna area. Parking at the hotel makes it easy to travel. You pay from 195 NOK in the daily rate or from 21 kr per hour. Enjoy our modern rooms and suites including free wifi and LCD flat screens. All guests can make use of free access to the fitness room and can serve a delicious breakfast and lunch buffet.

Kostnadsfri bokningshjälp 020-10 00 59

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Telefon: 08-506 285 00 | 020-10 00 59

Adress: Industrivägen 1, 171 48 Solna

E-post: info@bokningsbolaget.se


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